Our Professors

Meet the professors who will be hosting the Hollywood Spring break session and explore the award-winning careers of our faculty during their careers on both coasts.

Our Alumni

Meet the Red Hawks who have made careers in the film studios of Los Angeles and browse the professionals which will be featured as part of our program.

Student Projects

View the productions projects from students during their time on the Hollywood Networking session, including behind the scenes moments as students navigate their way through the program.

Our Hollywood program gives student their first step to a career in the film and television industry. It introduces students to some of the work and living opportunities in Los Angeles. Students will spend nine days touring studios, networking with Montclair State alumni, and meeting with and learning from writers, producers, directors, editors and HR professionals.

Our Program

Learn areas of study in media and journalism, discover job opportunities in related field, including a tour of a major film studios in Hollywood.

This program, hosted by the School of Communication and Media (SCM) provides students with hands-on training and exposure to technology, cameras, and other storytelling tools of the trade as they actively participate in filmmaking, broadcasting, and multi-platform journalism. Students interact with SCM faculty and invited working professionals about scripting, casting, photographing and editing, and developing a project that they present at the conclusion of the workshop. By encouraging high-performing students from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in journalism, this program aims to foster deeper relationships and expanded civic engagement in Los Angeles.

Guided Tours

Explore the Institutions which built Hollywood

Our program features guided tours of networks, studios and production facilities! Get a first hand glimpse into the working life of the film industry and see the writing rooms, production offices and routines of show runners while interacting with the working alumni of Montclair State University.


2020 Registration

Registration for our 2020 Spring break session. You can talk with an Admissions Representative, or simply request general information on curriculum, scheduling and more…

For any additional questions about the program or the application please email:
Keith Strudler