Summer Sessions

Our Mission

Learn areas of study in media and journalism, discover job opportunities in related field, including a tour of a major news studio in New York and experience college campus life, sleep-over in college residence hall.

Mission: Educate and prepare deserving New Jersey high school students from diverse backgrounds with a behind-the-scenes glance into the exciting world of Journalism and college life. The program is free for students from low-income backgrounds.

This program, hosted by the School of Communication and Media (SCM), provides high school students with hands-on training and exposure to the tools and techniques used in modern-day storytelling and journalism. Through interactive sessions with faculty and staff and field trips to broadcasting studios and newsrooms in New York City, students gain the opportunity to see how complex media operations are run and learn about multiple types of jobs in the field of journalism that may be potential career paths. Students develop a project of their own which they present at the conclusion of the workshop.

The purpose of this program is to also help students with planning for life after high school. High school students who participate in this program acquire a taste for campus life and living in college dormitories. Our SCM Student Ambassadors spent the entire time with program participants, provide assistance and answer questions to make the experience seamless and productive.

By encouraging high-performing students to pursue careers in journalism, this program aims to foster deeper relationships and expanded civic engagement with neighboring towns and communities.

Summer Journalism Workshop

2019 Registration

Registration for our 2019 Summer session is now open. You can talk with an Admissions Representative, or simply request general information on curriculum, scheduling and more…

For questions about the program or the application please email:
Christine Lemesianou